Channeling your "Inner Yoda" to embrace a Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is not just a Jedi trick. You can adopt one too. Take a look at the following two statements and notice the difference: The first statement uses a Fixed Mindset while the second uses a Growth Mindset.

  1. Failure is the limit of my abilities 

  2. Failures offer opportunities for growth and reflection. 

Mindset influences self-esteem, self-regulation, level of confidence, quality of our relationships, and level of motivation. A Growth Mindset holds the belief that intelligence, personality, and character can be developed. People who exercise a Growth Mindset are more open to feedback, demonstrate the ability to perspective take, and show increased frustration tolerance and flexibility. On the other hand, a Fixed Mindset holds the belief that intelligence, personality, and character are set in stone and potential is determined at birth.  Evidence in favor of a growth mindset can be found in the concept known as neural plasticity which is the ability of the brain to reorganize neural pathways based on new experiences. In numerous studies with children where a learning disability has been identified, it was proven that corrective actions can be taken which specifically target synaptic development.

Do the Following Activity:

Metacognition: Thinking about Thinking

Take no more than 30 seconds and write down 5 statements that you believe about yourself.

Here are mine:

  • I am not good at Math.

  • If I don’t try, I won’t fail.

  • I envy other people and their successes

  • He is totally out of my league

  • I cannot handle feedback and criticism

Let’s try this again using a Growth Mindset!

Steven Rubin, SEL Director of The Meeting House Youth and Young Adult Programs


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